Thursday, March 1, 2012

Yoga for low back pain

Low Backache is also the most common disorders today. The credit for this goes to long sedentary working hours in trade and industry.

Causes: Majority of the backaches are caused simply by muscular insufficiency and inadequate flexibility of muscles and tendons.

Acute back pain occurs because functional demand upon the back muscles exceeds their capacity. Only when you ignore the symptoms muscles gradually go in to a tight painful spasm, it will later on leads to tingling sensation at the back of your one leg (sciatica nerve getting pressed) or slip disc and other complicated problems.

I have seen people suffering from acute back pain which is sudden onset and agonizing and the person is helpless and immobile and may have to crawl and reach their room. This pain can strike anytime esp. in those leading sedentary lifestyle characterized by lack of exercise and overweight. It commonly arises after trivial jolt or insignificant movement such as cough or sneeze.
Chronic backache tends to worsen at the day's end and is relieved by the massage, heat and relaxation and bed rest.

First thing to do is take bed rest so that there is no movement to that area which is under tight spasm. Hot fomentation also brings relief. One can also try hot and cold compresses now and then and gently massage several times a day leads to quick recovery too.
Many of you will recover  in case of Acute back pain within a week or so, but to prevent again the same attack Yoga helps you to strengthens those back muscles. Yoga helps also those who are suffering from sciatica problems or slip disc cases.

Asanas: Always inhale and start the pose and then exhale and keep your breathing rhythmic and normal in all the postures.

Parvatasana (mountain pose) variation:
Here in this posture instead of raising your arms up and stretching back wards  you can position your thumb at the painful area at the back and while pressing it try bending backwards and hold the pose for 10 counts and repeat for 3 times and repeat this every 1 hr for 10 days later on you can reduce the frequency to every 2 hours or depending on the severity .
This posture can be practiced during work hours repeated many times in a day .

Sahaj Hasta Bhujangasana (Simple Cobra pose):

Lie down on in prone position with arms folded in front of your forehead and place your forehead on your arms.
Gently release your arms and place your elbows on the floor and rest your chin on your palm such that your elbows are in line with your chin and placed close to each other.
Hold this for few counts initially and then slowly can hold for longer counts or up to 1 minute also.
Repeat this 3 times and repeat more times in day probably every 3 hours.

Uthita Paad Hasta (stretched leg with the support):
Stand straight beside an object. Now gently raise your left leg and place it on the object.
Try holding the raised foot with the same hand and other hand around your waist. Hold for few counts for the first time but with regular practice you can hold it for 1 min each leg also.
Repeat the same with the other leg too.
Repeat it every 2 hrs during your work hours to increase the mobility and improved circulation towards your back, legs esp. hamstrings and calf muscles.
This posture also can be practiced during work hours.

Sarpasana (snake pose):
Take the same initial position like one for Sahaj Hasta Bhujangasana then release your arms and place it on the floor with palm downward arms parallel to each other and shoulder width.
Gently lift your elbows up and straighten your arms and shoulders away from each other and allow your stomach muscles to fall downward so that you feel the stretch in your abdomen and contraction in your back muscles.
Hold for 10 counts initially then after a week can increase the counts.
Repeat this for 5 times at one time and repeat 3 times in a day.

Shalabhasana (locust pose):
Lie down in prone position with arms extended beside the legs with palm facing downwards.

Now slowly raise your left leg without bending your knees and hold it for 10 counts. Repeat 3 times.
Repeat the same with the other leg too.
The above pic shows both the legs extended but you can practice single leg at a time.

It’s a gentle back extension pose which will help you. If you are not able to hold the pose for longer counts then can place your leg on the chair or sofa while lying on the floor in the same way.

Setu Bandh Asana (bridge pose):

Lie down in supine pose and bend your legs and keep your feet shoulder width closer to your waist.

Place your arms beside your body and try reaching your ankle and gently raise your lower body up and try to tighten your low back. Hold it for 10 counts and relax and release. Repeat it 5 times.
Repeat 3 times a day.

Matsyasana (Fish pose) Variation:

Sit in cross legged posture or Ardh Padmasana.The pic above is in Padmasana but you can place one leg in padmasana or cross leg too.

Gently place your elbows beside your low back and lie down and try to keeping your legs in the same position and try not to lift your knees up.
Hold for 1 to 2 mins and relax.
This will give mild arch in your back which will be beneficial for your tail bone too.
Repeat this pose twice a day esp. before going to bed and mornings.

Pavanmuktasana variation:

Lie in supine pose.

Slowly bend your legs and bring your knees closer to your chest and bring your arms around your legs and hold this pose without raising your head.
Hold for 1 to 2 minutes with normal breathing.
Repeat more times to relax your spine.
This posture has to be done at the end and can be practiced in between too.

If you are not able to practice these you can try this simple one.
Place 3 to 4 cushions under your back and one under your upper back and lie down on bed or on the floor for 15 to 20 minutes every day twice.